The Devon Cricket League
President: GRAHAM SHEARS 'The Bungalow', Rocklands, Station Hill, CHUDLEIGH TQ13 0EE
Chairman: STUART MUNDAY 83, Hemerdon Heights, Plympton, PLYMOUTH Tel: 01752 335001
Secretary/Administrator: Vacant Email:
Hon Treasurer: GRAHAM MUNDAY 2, Higher Hill View, SIDMOUTH EX10 9DG
Tel: 01395 514607 Mobile: 07974 794869 Email:
The League Executive are pleased to announce that the position of DCL Secretary has been filled by Edward Leverton.
Edward is very experienced in the field of Sports Development and Management, and had been the Cricket Development Manager for the ECB, a position which covered eleven Cricket Boards until 2012.
Most recently he has been involved with the Prince's Trust within Devon & Cornwall, helping in young business start-ups.
Edward will start on the 1st February 2014 after his appointment
has been ratified at the AGM.